Effect of Processing Parameters on Mechanical Extraction and Leaching of Oil from Ouricuri (Syagrus coronata)


  • Luana T. S. Santos


leaching, pressing, biomass


It was used two types of mechanical presses, hydraulic (HP) and electric (EP), at different pressures, and leaching to assess the performance to produce ouricuri oil. A full 23 factorial design helped to evaluate leaching; the following variables were: contact time, solvent, and particle diameter. Extraction in the HP gave efficiency (ɳ) higher than 80%; a pressure of 412.5 kgf/cm² provided 55.57% oil yield. Extraction in the EP afforded ɳ of at most 60%. Low contact time sufficed for the leaching process. Lower average particle diameter gave larger amount. Ethanol gave higher yield than hexane.


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Author Biography

Luana T. S. Santos

Laboratório de Sistemas de Separação e Otimização de Processos, Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Avenida Lorival Melo Mota, Tabuleiro dos Martins, Maceió-AL, 57072-970, Brasil.



How to Cite

T. S. Santos, L. (2023). Effect of Processing Parameters on Mechanical Extraction and Leaching of Oil from Ouricuri (Syagrus coronata). Estudios Interdisciplinares De Economía, Empresa Y Gobierno, 1(1), 63–80. Retrieved from https://revistaestudiosieeg.com/index.php/eieeg/article/view/14