Reality or Myth: The Indigenous Thought of the Rondas Campesinas de Huancabamba, Piura, Peru


  • Hilder Alberca Velasco


Rondas Campesinas, Huancabamba, Piura, Brazil, Unila


The objective of this paper is to describe the social action of the Movimiento Social Rondas Campesinas del Perú, with emphasis on the daily life of the Rondas of the northern Peruvian province of Huancabamba, Piura. As a first element to point out, the territory and territorialities interact directly as lived spaces where the philosophy of the action of these inhabitants is the customary law under the norms of uses and customs, which (Santos, 1999), calls Local Knowledge. In this sense, we propose to work with the following thematic axes: (a) Social and political formation of indigenous thought before the indigenist practice in the Rondas Campesinas of Huancabamba; and (b) The Rondas Campesinas, origins and theory on the Social Movement. The present study is the result of the conclusion of the course in Political Science and Sociology in Brazil- UNILA and is a qualitative approach work.


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Author Biography

Hilder Alberca Velasco

Maestrante de posgrado en el Instituto de Investigación y Planeamiento Urbano y Regional- IPPUR-Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ. Brasil.



How to Cite

Alberca Velasco, H. (2023). Reality or Myth: The Indigenous Thought of the Rondas Campesinas de Huancabamba, Piura, Peru. Estudios Interdisciplinares De Economía, Empresa Y Gobierno, 1(1), 103–130. Retrieved from